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Who we are?

At 365Wellness we do things differently and we are proud of that.

Instead of simply looking at you as a bunch of parts that can fail individually and trying to fix these individual parts separately, we know that you are much more complex than that. Your health (or lack of) is a result how your system deals with what you do to it, both good and bad, in your everyday life. It is how your body as a whole system is able to cope with these stresses that leads to either good health or poor health. Simply fixing a broken part without addressing the underlying problem is like replacing a worn tire when the cause of the premature wear is improper wheel alignment. Unless you address the underlying problem, the symptom will always come back.

That’s why we take a whole systems approach to your health which involves engaging you as both a client in our clinic and the owner of your own health and wellness. It’s why we refer to you as a client in our clinic and why you will never be called a “Patient” at 365Wellness.

You might think it strange that we don’t use the word patient but we have our reasons and we think they are really good ones too!!!!

The word patient implies that you have a passive role to play in your health. Take for instance the term Doctor-patient relationship. This term essentially creates a power imbalance that puts the doctor in charge of doing something and the patient in charge of receiving it as if creating better health were that simple.

 It is an antiquated model that aims to serve the needs of the health care provider more than it does the “patient” and we care too much about our clients to not put their needs first.

Fortunately for our clients, we know that their role is anything but passive and good health starts with them; not us. Our job is to help support our clients and give them the tools they need to do the job right. As owners of their own health, they are truly the ones in the position of authority when it comes to getting and staying healthy and we are just fine with that.

So enough about us…..we want to know more about you and how we can help you take back ownership of your health.

Ready to take the first step? Click here.

 365 Wellness - Your everyday wellness partner

Dr. Darrell Wade DC, Chiropractor

Dr. Wade is a 2003 graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa and is the founder and Clinical Director of 365 Wellness. Dr. Wade's vision to create 365 Wellness is the result of 15 years of clinical practice treating clients with a variety of health care ailments as well as his extensive work in health care leadership where he has served as CEO and president for the Newfoundland and Labrador Chiropractic Association, Governor of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, Registrar for the Newfoundland and Labrador Chiropractic Board, and President of the Newfoundland and Labrador Public Health Association. Through this experience Dr. Wade realized that true wellness is much more complex than simply not being in pain.  This gave rise to the individualized 365 Wellness plan that makes 365 Wellness truly different from other so called "wellness" clinics and guides clients towards true and total wellness.

Dr. Wade is available for consultations and wellness assessments Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Wade, click here

Dr. Darrell  J Wade DC

Katie Vinnicombe RMT

Katie is a 2018 graduate from  Eastern Academy. She is an active member in good standing with the College of Massage Therapy of Newfoundland and Labrador, and with the Newfoundland and Labrador Massage Therapy Association. Katie was born and raised in St. John’s. 

and having played basketball for 12 years has now been coaching basketball for the past 6 years. In 2014 she was awarded Newfoundland and Labrador Basketball Coach of the Year. Katie enjoys an active lifestyle which includes going to the gym, hiking with her dogs, playing sports and travelling.  She specializes in helping people recover from their injuries and improve their overall health. 

Desiree Simmons (M.Ed., C.C.C.)

Pronouns: She/Her


Desiree has a Master of Education in Counselling Psychology and is registered as a Certified Canadian Counsellor with the Counselling and Psychotherapy Association of Canada since 2020. She has a background working in the field of child development and she has been working with the pediatric population through various work and volunteer roles since 2010.


“I call myself a philomath, someone who loves to learn and study, and I’ve always been very inquisitive, much like children! I don’t pretend to be an expert in anything when I meet with a young person…I always tell them that I have just as much to learn from them as they do from me and what we both don’t know, we will learn together. Depending on the client and their main concern, I explore different therapy approaches, but most often I use Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, and Narrative Therapy, each of which has an evidence base for supporting the youth population. I also try to keep each session different until we know what helps the client learn and engage best. Because the adolescent brain is still developing and conversation isn’t the only way to interact with a youth, I use a variety of creative activities, visuals, worksheets, and sometimes exercise like yoga, to really engage with them. Of course, I only do this if they are receptive to the activity because the key thing for any young person is having a sense of autonomy.” – Desiree

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